Wednesday, 10 April 2013

It takes time

It takes around 21 days to establish new neural connections in the brain. Braking a habit, learning something new takes patience, before it becomes familiar. The first few weeks are the hardest ones. I'm reminding myself this, as I am sitting down to write these words.
Making room for creativity, or anything else that I want to invest my time in, takes encouragement and vigilance.  My mind always questions, I try to find excuses, there is hundred other things that need to be done before I sit myself down, to do the one thing that will be more beneficial to me right now, than washing those pile of dirty dishes...  They will still be there in an hour.
Painting is my form of nourishment. It takes a battle sometimes, to give myself what I need. Perhaps you can relate to that.
It is important to invest in passion, it feeds the vitality.

As I am patiently learning to share my progress with you , I am going to give you a glimpse of what I am working on now.
Previously I promised to give a photo account of the two paintings from the last post. I am sorry, I cannot find the photos. I do, however have these ones. The technique is the same. The work is in progress and I will keep you posted.
I hope you will enjoy it. If you have any questions about it, let me know and I will happily try to explain. :-)

It all started from a blob of ink and some salt. A lot of water and letting go of trying to control the outcome...

...then I stared for a while and began to see a landscape...


...and this is where I am with it today.

This is the twin brother... 

...and this happened all in one go. Plenty of water, ink and general unplanned messing.

Thank you for stopping by. Please feel free to comment and suggest. Perhaps it will be a beginning of your own adventure. :-)

1 comment:

  1. Fascinating to see the process, looking forward to the rest of the journey!
